Dr Nicholas James Gill, Male
GMC number 6102522
MBChB 2004 (Leicester), MRCGP 2009, DRCOG, DFFP, Diploma in Practical Dermatology 2014 (Cardiff)
Special interests: Dermatology, Palliative Care, Elderly Medicine -
Dr Jayne Atkinson
GMC number 4299057
MBChB 1996 (Sheffield), MRCGP 2005, DRCOG, DFFP
Special interests: contraception and women’s health
Salaried GPs
Dr Rebecca Goodchap
GMC number 4641142
MBChB 1999 (Sheffield)
Special Interests: Cancer Care and Palliative Care -
Dr Saskia Highcock
GMC number 7278528
MBBS 2012 (Kings College, London), MRCGP 2018